Monday, April 27, 2009
Nothing to see here...
Just a very random post to shout out
I miss the old times....xP
Monday, April 20, 2009
Post for Fun xP (Life Threatening)
and here I am for this Short simple post...xP
Don't kill me ya...xD
They both look alike?
But I personally think that she looks like "her" ... xD
And for Ah mao...
See...80% Look alike !!
YoonA !!! xD
To prevent everyone from having nightmares after seeing the post..
Cheeers~ ^^
Sunday, April 19, 2009
aite...gonna start with Friday...
Ziv and Yoo came to Malacca from K.L to support us..
Am very grateful and appreciate their help...THANK YOU!!! ^^
but one question both Ziv n Yoo ask still bugging me until now..
" What you really want? ..."
Seriously..I always thought I know what I want all along...
but now I realise I don't...
A better Future with loads of money?
A car?
A big mansion like house?
A lovely wife with 2 kids?
CEO of a Big company?
haiz...this gonna take some time...
alrite..nvm..continue with Saturday~
Going to the PC fair at Mahkota with Chris...
plus..fetching noob Kiat and his friend along...
Man..the crowd...
Met loads of friends
Bought myself a 320gb external hard drive for RM 255 I'm broke now..T,T
no more money to buy anotha speaker...sob..
My New Hard Drive that Make me go Broke..T,T
After having dinner ..went to have a movie with Chris..
" Knowing "
It was a good story..but the ending is kinda...unacceptable..haha..
atleast its not a hero save the world kind of movie..xP
Went pool-ing with Dennis and Kent afterwards...
until midnight and we went to have supper at Chris neighbourhood..
chit chatting like idiots..laughing..fooling..embarrassing..xD
a great time although it's just four of us old buddies...
Woke up at 10 am..
bath and got ready...
Eat my breakfast..the BIG PAU every Sunday.. bought from my parents..
and went out with Chris..........again...
Dennis and his darl HueyS for........... breakfast AGAIN.
Went to MP for bowling ...3 game !! are slipping away from my wallet T,T
Daytona...Time Crisis...Secret Recipe...
aiks...No more money....AGAIN...
And something ridiculous happen as well...
When we are in the toilet at MP's food court..
I accidentally bump into a guy..
Sudenlly he called me...
At1st I thought he is too "sensitive" and want an apology from me..
but turn out asking me .....
"Are you interested to be a model? "
I was Me?
Nonono..I'm not interested..sorry ar...swt~
First..Im thin like a stick...un-photogenic...why would I join..making fun of myself eh..haha..
Lepak around the mall..the time sure flies..
Went fetchin Kent back to MP AGAIN! from his house at Malacca Baru..(zz petrol banyak eh..)
Have our Dinner at US pizza..(Pizza Hut is full!)
and went straight on to Facebook..GAMING! xD
it's been awhile we play together..^^
Have a short Tea at the mamak..watching MU lose to Everton..(Penalty) T,T ..sob..
Bad day...haiz..
Overally...Today ..Yesterday..and day Before Yesterday is the Day of SPENDING MONEY!
My 2 month of "salary" ...Gone..T,T
How to Survvive till May ??!!!
Oh btw...
Short Hair =)
well..the front and back only la..xD
some ppl prefer short some prefer long...
so i choose to stay in the middle !! kakaka..
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I Lied...
I lied to everyone..
My family..My best friend..Friends...and Myself..
Out of my mind..... =='
Lied to everyone for myself ..
Selfish huh..
Faking a smile..Giving them a shitty looks with those confident words..
No one ever doubt..
Doing it like a pro..
Is this gonna end.. ?
I suppose will never met its ending..
Until I can really met someone who could end all this..
Friday, April 10, 2009
男 孩经常偷偷的把女孩的自行车轮胎的气放到没有,然后躲在远处,看女孩着急的走投无路,等着女孩拨通他的手机,然后破口大骂他的小贼行为。可男孩,依旧那么喜欢这样的女孩。他窃窃的从远处走来,灰溜溜的为女孩推着那辆没了气的自行车,任由女孩在一旁发牢骚,男孩却暗自窃喜,然后委屈的对女孩说:“对不起,我知道错了。”随即,女孩便会柔弱下来,告诉男孩下次不允许那样,男孩点头,于是,那时的他们每天都充满着笑容。
慢 慢的,男孩每次回家,身上总是充满了不同的香水味道,而每次没等女孩问,男孩总是忙着解释说应酬太多。女孩黯然,那时起,女孩不太爱说话了,也不像以前那么开朗了,她总是喜欢成天的呆在家里,抱着枕头看韩剧,然后随着剧情哭泣,夜深时,就会疯狂的大哭。以后的日子里,男孩回来时,身上的香水味只有一种味道 了,女孩从来不问,可是男孩依旧说:“对不起,今天又去应酬了。”
渐 渐的,男孩开始不回家,或总是在外出差,男孩的事业越来越好,身边都是奉承的人,他每天都在别人的恭维下自豪的笑着,而女孩,几乎不出门了,她总会去超市买上很多方便面,和一些必要的日用品,然后把自己关在家里,这一呆就是很久。从前,女孩会经常和男孩一起聊聊天,而现在,她孤身一人,身边没有一个可以说 话的人,每次打电话问男孩什么时候回家,男孩总是仓促的回答到:“对不起,我太忙了。”女孩,失落的扣上电话,那以后她再也没有问男孩什么时候会回家。
“ 我 始终没有勇气再见到你,可能是我太懦弱,也或许是我根本不想见到你,我想这些『警告:注意文明用语!』应该过的没什么两样吧,我很好,我学会了离开你怎么让自己存活,我懂得了怎样赚钱养活自己,而不用每天等着你回家,为你烧一桌热腾腾的饭菜,直到凉了也不见你的人,我的手机已经不用了,因为我已经不会再为 你24小时的不关机,让自己饱受辐射的折磨。我懂得怎样去爱惜自己,珍惜自己的本来应该美好的生活。我想,我是可以忘记怎么去爱你的,因为你把我的爱弄得遍地麟伤。
Monday, April 6, 2009
A Story to Share
I don't know whether it's a true story or not thou . xP
Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owner, his wife, and their little boy were all very attached to Belker and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family there were no miracles left for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.
As we made arrangements, the owners told me they thought it would be good for the four-year-old boy to observe the procedure. They felt he could learn something from the experience.
The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him. The little boy seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on.
Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion.
We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.
The little boy, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why."
Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, "Everybody is born so that they can learn how to live a good life - like loving everybody and being nice, right?" The four-year- old continued, "Well, animals already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."